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The vision of self-sustainability and development are two motivations that help to keep a community ...

The vision of self-sustainability and development are two motivations that help to keep a community ...

It Takes a Village


The vision of self-sustainability and development are two motivations that help to keep a community ticking. They are also just two of the incentives that keep the team here at Islamic Help on the ground in many countries, including Tanzania.


“It takes a village to raise a child” (African Proverb)                

However you interpret the meaning of this famous African proverb, empowering and supporting a village is the root of a community’s economic growth and improved well-being. With this in mind, Islamic Help is currently working on a project that aims to foster both of these factors.

Known as the Children’s Eco Village, the goal of this innovative development is to improve the lives of orphans and children. The Eco Village will be home to as many as 16 homes for orphan children, an Eco Mosque, a library and community centre, as well as several other features to aid maturity.

This isn’t the only way Islamic Help is making a difference in Tanzania though. In addition to the Children’s Eco Village, we also recognise the importance of an organic environment. That is why Islamic Help is directing part of our efforts to a permaculture farm. This will not only open the doors to a more balanced community, it will also help the village’s economy to thrive.

As part of our work in Tanzania, during 2014, the team were successful in planting over 30,000 trees. This was for both the Eco Village and surrounding villages. The goal here was to tackle the on-going issue of deforestation. Doing so will also challenge climate change and provide opportunities for work, helping communities to develop one step at a time.

Here at Islamic Help, we believe in a brighter future for communities in Tanzania. By supporting orphan children and families, as well as continuing to provide opportunities for stable livelihoods, we can make a big difference in this area.

It is important to remember though that this is all made possible with your kind donations. Please donate to a good cause today and see your contribution change the lives of the less fortunate communities in Tanzania.

written by | islamic help


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